Saturday, January 8, 2011

Distracted by shiny things

I just got the latest catalogue for Design Within Reach (deceptively named as it is only within reach if you have lots and lots of disposable dosh)

Conveniently I had the mag tucked into my handbag today so I happily amused myself within it’s glossy pages while I waited for the tanning booth.
Don’t judge me.  
It makes me feel better.
I’m not a winter person.

But I digress.

A small ladylike dollop of drool landing on the image of a new item by One & Co called “TABLE 47” thus snapping me out of my aesthetic stupor and into an acquirement achieving frenzy…
Not having  $1200 bill floating around in my wallet, the clogs of my brain began to churn and I began to imagine how to make this for myself.
Hmmmm….    I must introduce a stump of wood from my moms yard to a box of silver leaf and see what happens!

If you, on the other hand, happen to have one of these coveted $1200 bills in your wallet, then be reassured that One & Co are committed to the green revolution, and you will be pleased to know that your silver stump will consist of reclaimed wood and some sort of “proprietary low-VOC processing’ in order to achieve the silver effect.

Another project lined up and ready to be executed…. Again watch this space!

Ps I AM working on those chairs by the way.   

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