If you have been watching Britain’s 'Secret Diary of a Call Girl' you would never suspect from the show that the UK is suffering from a massive financial crisis.....ah well, It just goes to prove two things:
1. When economic slow-down strikes, the peeps want to see glamour and bling more than they do when times are good.
2. Professional Escorting is a recession proof career path.
But I digress… this blog post is not about the lucrative benefits of high end whoring and its relationship to economic indicators, it’s actually about her flat. Or rather the Stylists behind the risers.
Season 1…. Slightly bohemian with bollywood colours, but nothing to blog about.
Season 3….. same same, don’t get me wrong though ! great stories.
Season 2 …. Okay, here we go ! Same flat, whole new look, way more sophisticated. Love the wallpapered kitchen backsplash.
Season 4…. Oh YA ! Belle’s bought a house.
Since we are only two episodes in she is mostly still in boxes, but between the handsome cast, delicious fashions, the gray front hall and the awesome black banister season 4 is promising promises for a season of yummyyummy eye candy.